3 Academic Tips for High School Sophomores
![Photo of a student studying at a table outside](https://undergrad.mercer.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2022/08/featured-image.jpeg)
It’s no secret that academics are important when it comes to college admissions.
For example, most colleges and universities look for students who took on a rigorous course load in high school. Why? Because these courses challenge you and help prepare you for the level of work ethic needed for college.
Here are three tried and true tips to help you ace your academics.
1. Form good study habits.
While most admissions teams love to see a well-rounded applicant who values both extracurriculars and academics, it’s important to prioritize your classwork.
Now is a great time to take advantage of your resources. Talk with your teachers, organize study groups, and ask for help as soon as you hit a roadblock.
And, most importantly, form good study habits now that you’ll be able to take with you to college! Learn to take detailed notes and create a review process that works for you. For example, some students might study best with flashcards while others like reviewing notes with friends. Find what works for you.
2. Challenge yourself.
Colleges and universities like to see AP and honors classes on an applicant’s transcript because these classes show that you’re challenging yourself and getting ready for college-level coursework.
For example, classes such as AP Language and Composition, AP Literature and Composition, and AP Calculus give you the fundamentals needed for general education and major requirements at Mercer.
But here’s a word to the wise: only take classes at the level of rigor you can handle and do well in.
3. Apply yourself and be intentional with your time.
It’s cliche, but true! Always do your best and spend your time wisely.
Time management usually guarantees your best work, which is a necessity in advanced classes.
That said, don’t pressure yourself to extremes, which can quickly lead to burnout. Make time for friends, family, and fun!
High school is a great time to prepare for the academic rigor you’ll find in college! As a high school sophomore, remember to keep these three tips in mind:
- Form good study habits
- Challenge yourself
- Apply yourself and be intentional with your time
If you’d like to chat with a Mercer University admissions team member, find your counselor! We’re happy to answer your questions about the admissions process and requirements!