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4 Leadership Tips for High School Sophomores

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Did you know colleges and universities not only look for students with strong academics, but also leaders who make a difference in their schools and communities? Now is the perfect time to improve your leadership skills!

Here are 4 tips from our admissions team.

1. Start at school and then branch out.

First, look for ways to get involved at your school.

We know it can be hard to juggle schoolwork and extracurriculars, so we suggest finding clubs, organizations, and sports you’re passionate about. Find activities you care about and focus on just a few.

After you identify ways to get involved at school, branch out into your community.

And don’t forget about after-school jobs! Not only are they a great way to gain a little financial independence, but you’ll gain valuable experience as well.

2. Be consistent.

While there’s something to be said for trying new things, it’s also important to demonstrate consistency.

This not only demonstrates your commitment, but also allows you the time to grow as a leader.

So, instead of hopping from one club to another, pick at least one to stick with throughout your high school career.

3. Be proactive.

Once you join a club, don’t just sit on the sidelines! Volunteer to help by asking what’s needed. If you see a problem, don’t wait around for someone else to solve it — step in and get involved!

But a word to the wise: learn to listen before you jump in head first. While you should always use your strengths to help when needed, don’t forget to say “yes” to opportunities that are out of your comfort zone.

Finally, when the opportunity arises, apply for leadership roles in order to implement change and make improvements.

4. Learn to delegate and be a team player.

A good leader knows when to take charge and when to hand the reins to someone else.

You don’t have to do everything on your own; it’s okay to let others step in and take charge when necessary.

Not only will this give you a break, but it will also illustrate your ability to work with others.

Leadership takes practice, so now’s the time to start practicing those skills! Remember, when it comes to being a leader:

  1. Start at school and then branch out.
  2. Be consistent.
  3. Be proactive.
  4. Learn to delegate and be a team player.

If you have questions about what leadership skills Mercer is looking for in its students, feel free to contact your admissions counselor!