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3 Things to Look for on Your Next College Visit

A college campus visit is one of the most exciting parts of the decision process. There’s no better way to truly get to know a school and its culture than by touring it!

Sure, you’re going to want to know how big it is and what degree programs it offers, but there are a few things we suggest you look out for that you might not have considered.

Keep reading to find out 3 things to look for on your next college visit.

1. School Spirit

And no, we don’t just mean the turn-out at the football games.

Community and school spirit is a huge part of the college experience. So, when you visit a college campus, ask yourself: “Do the students, professors, and staff seem proud of their school and community? Does the environment feel positive and welcoming?”

If it’s not immediately obvious, ask! Check in with a student or two and see how they feel about their school.

2. Unique Features

No two colleges are the same, which is why it’s important to figure out what makes each school unique.

For example, Mercer takes pride in its focus on community service and research opportunities, while another school might prioritize other things.

So, when visiting a college campus, consider if its unique features and priorities align with your values and goals.

3. Fit

“Do I see myself fitting in here?” is probably the most important thing you should ask yourself when visiting a college campus.

The best way to answer this question is by visiting the main hotspots on campus. What are the students doing in their spare time? Is it quiet? Busy? Loud?

If you prefer a relaxed environment and the college you visit seems busier than Atlanta rush hour traffic, you might want to scratch it off your list.

But if you get a sense of general belonging and opportunities that align with your goals, consider that school a good fit.

While factors like academic opportunities and extracurriculars are definitely important to consider when choosing a college, remember to also look for these 3 things when visiting a college campus:

  1. Campus spirit
  2. Unique features
  3. Fit

If you’re ready to schedule a visit to Mercer, register today!