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4 Reasons to Participate in Extracurricular Activities

Student standing in front of a building

School and homework can keep you busy, but getting involved in extracurricular activities is a great way to prepare for your future, too.

Whether it’s sports teams, drama club, volunteer work, or a part-time job, being active outside of academics is a great way for colleges and universities to learn what you’re passionate about.

Here are 4 other reasons to participate in extracurricular activities in high school.

1. To Develop Skills Outside of the Classroom

Sure, football is fun, but it also gives you opportunities to practice leadership skills.

Athletics, clubs, organizations, and even part-time jobs can also teach you how to communicate, manage your time, delegate tasks, and serve others.

Academics are important, but colleges want to see well-rounded students who demonstrate those skills in and outside the classroom.

2. To Practice Teamwork

Extracurricular activities are typically offered in group settings where you’ll learn how to be a team player.

For example, on a baseball team, you win together and lose together.

The teamwork skills you learn in extracurricular activities will be beneficial not only in college, but also in your career.

Learning how to work collaboratively is a lifelong skill, and high school is a great time to practice it.

3. To Try Something New

High school is the best time to try new things.

Sure, colleges and universities love it when applicants demonstrate their commitment by sticking with activities, but there’s no harm in also trying something new. Step out of your comfort zone and try out for the high school musical, join the debate team, or become a mathlete.

You never know — you might discover a new, lifelong passion!

4. To Discover Your Passions

What are you passionate about? Animals? Drama? Music?

The variety of clubs and organizations available to you in high school can help you figure out what you enjoy, which is a crucial step in determining a major and career path.

Also, discovering what you truly enjoy will help you narrow down your college search as you get closer to making a decision.

High school is a great time to explore your interests and identify your passions. As a recap, here are 4 reasons to get involved with extracurricular activities:

  1. To develop skills outside of the classroom
  2. To practice teamwork
  3. To try something new
  4. To discover your passions

Want to chat more about this with a Mercer admissions counselor? Reach out! We’re happy to answer any questions you have!